
Showing posts from March, 2021

Book Review: Claire, Darling by Callie Kazumi

Claire, Darling by Callie Kazumi  was published on March 11, 2025 by Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine / Bantam. It opens with Claire finding out that her fiancé, Noah, isn't working where he said he was and is now ghosting her. Claire must find out why. Book Review: Claire, Darling by Callie Kazumi Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine / Bantam for providing me with an Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) of Claire Darling by Callie Kazumi for free in exchange for my honest review. I was absolutely thrilled when my request for a copy was approved because the synopsis was so good. From the beginning, I absolutely loved the main character of Claire and her work friend named Sukhi. Throughout the novel, we learn about Claire's past and how terrible her mother was towards her. I kept hoping that somehow we would learn who Claire's father was and would eventually connect with him. It's really no wonder Claire had no self confidence as an ad...

Product Review: Naphcon A by Alcon

Who doesn't hate the havoc that pollen plays on one's allergies during spring time? Do you have itchy eyes that just won't stop itching like I do? When my allergy medicine doesn't help my itchy eyes, I have to turn to allergy eye drops. I decided to try Naphcon A, which is produced by Alcon. The first time I tried these eye drops, my eyes were itching so badly, I put way too many drops in my eyes, and it caused me to get extremely dizzy. So dizzy that I ended up getting sick. It took me a while before I tried the eye drops again, but can you really blame me? The second time I tried them, I only put two drops into each eye. It did the job, and I didn't get dizzy this time. After several more times of using Naphcon A, it's the only eye drop that I'll buy to relieve my itchy eyes. If you wear contacts, you will need to wait a while before putting them in your eyes as the drops need some time to work fully. The other thing to note is that you should remove your ...

Book Review: April Fools by Richie Tankersley Cusick

April Fools by Richie Tankersley Cusick tells a story about three friends - Belinda, Hildy, and Frank - who attend an out of town party that none of them were supposed to be at. On their way home, they are involved in a horrific car accident. They leave the scene and vow never to speak of it again, but then, Belinda starts receiving disturbing pranks, and she is on a mission to find out who is the culprit. This is another book I decided to read on my way rediscovery of my childhood. April Fools is one of the first books I read by Richie Tankersley Cusick and was one of the reasons she was my go to author for young adult horror novels. In rereading this novel as an adult, it has stood the test of time and should be a must read for any kid who loves books in the horror genre. The only references that they may not completely get is the mention of a tape deck in the car and a facsimile, or fax for short. And, although this book falls into the horror genre, it does have some romance elemen...

Product Review: Naturelle Biotera, Anti-Frizz Intense Smoothing Shampoo & Conditioner

As a woman with wavy hair that frizzes horribly whenever the humidity is high, and let's be honest, the humidity is high in the Southeast, I thought I'd try out Naturelle Biotera Anti-Frizz Intense Smoothing Shampoo  and Naturelle Biotera Anti-Frizz Intense Smoothing Conditioner . I purchased my product at a local Sally's Beauty Supply, and they said that if I didn't like the product that I could return it, which is a win win situation for the customer. What I didn't realize until I was using the product is that for the best results, Biotera recommends using not only the shampoo and conditioner but the leave in conditioner as well. Since I didn't buy the leave in conditioner, my review is solely on the shampoo and conditioner. For those of you who don't like a strong scent, then you'll be pleased with the light scent of this product. The aroma has hints of cinnamon apple. Where I love the scent of cinnamon and apple, I personally don't care for the t...

Book Review: Heartbreak Bay (Stillhouse Lake, #5) by Rachel Caine

In Heartbreak Bay (Stillhouse Lake, #5) by Rachel Caine, a car is found submerged in a pond with twin girls still strapped in their car seats and their mother nowhere to be found. Detective Kezia Claremont of Norton requests the help of private investigator Gwen Proctor, who has recently moved to Knoxville, Tennessee. As the threats mount against both women, they know they have to fight to the end to save their families. I absolutely loved this most recent installment in the Stillhouse Lake book series, and it makes me extremely sad that this is the last book since the author passed away from cancer late last year. With that being said, I wonder if she had help with writing Heartbreak Bay because there were a couple of times a sentence didn't quite sound like her writing style. However, even with those few lines, the writing still felt like Rachel Caine wrote it, so I guess it could have been the editing. The character development with Laney, Connor, and Kezia was remarkable. Ev...

Product Review: Pureology Professional Color Care Hydrate Soft, Softening Treatment

Approximately one month ago, I went out to my mailbox to get my mail in and was completely surprised that I had received a VoxBox from Excited to find out what I received, I hurried back into my house to open the package. Much to my surprise and delight, I received a tube of Pureology Professional Color Care Hydrate Soft, Softening Treatment . It came in a rose scent, which I was a bit leery about. However, I was delightfully surprised. It is lightly scented and nice smelling, so those who are anxious about the scent being too overpowering needn't worry. I love the fact that the scent smelled very natural and not fake at all. Even though the softening treatment is called a mask on the packaging, it's really just an extremely thick conditioner that rinses out easily. My hair tangles easily, but it didn't with this product, and it was very easy to brush my hair out while it was still wet. While drying it, it remained tangle free, which was a nice change. The...

Book Review: St. Patrick's Day Murder (A Lucy Stone Mystery, #14) by Leslie Meier

In Tinker's Cove, Maine, the dead body of grizzled barkeep, Dan Malone, is found in the town's harbor. Reporter Lucy Stone takes it upon herself to learn more about Malone and who might want him dead and suspects local musician Dave Reilly and local contractor Brian Donohue. While the gossip mill going wild, Dylan Malone, Dan's younger brother, arrives in town to help direct the local church's St. Patrick's Day annual play, which compounds everything in Leslie Meier's St. Patrick's Day Murder (A Lucy Stone Mystery, #14) . What can I say about this novel? I love it! Leslie Meier has definitely hooked me on this series, and I can't wait to read the other books in the series. The characters are likable, with a few exceptions of course, and the storyline is engaging. And, I honestly have to say, I didn't figure out the murderer. I had quite a few wrong guesses! I've been reading this series out of order, but that hasn't really detracted from anyt...