
Showing posts from April, 2021

Book Review: Claire, Darling by Callie Kazumi

Claire, Darling by Callie Kazumi  was published on March 11, 2025 by Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine / Bantam. It opens with Claire finding out that her fiancé, Noah, isn't working where he said he was and is now ghosting her. Claire must find out why. Book Review: Claire, Darling by Callie Kazumi Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine / Bantam for providing me with an Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) of Claire Darling by Callie Kazumi for free in exchange for my honest review. I was absolutely thrilled when my request for a copy was approved because the synopsis was so good. From the beginning, I absolutely loved the main character of Claire and her work friend named Sukhi. Throughout the novel, we learn about Claire's past and how terrible her mother was towards her. I kept hoping that somehow we would learn who Claire's father was and would eventually connect with him. It's really no wonder Claire had no self confidence as an ad...

Product Review: Morgan Taylor Professional Nail Lacquer, Go For The Glow

Morgan Taylor Professional Nail Lacquer is a great product that I discovered at Sally Beauty Supply when the sales clerk mentioned that it was buy one get one free. I purchased two bottles of the nail polish to try out. Recently, I ordered two bottles of Morgan Taylor Professional Nail Lacquer online on One of those colors is Go for the Glow . It arrived last Friday, and I decided to try it out that night. As I started to paint my nails, I noticed the nail polish was a lot thinner than the ones I purchased from Sally Beauty Supply. I also noticed that it was a bit streaky, so it did take four coats for it to look like it should. However, each coat seemed to dry quickly, which was a plus in my book. It actually took my base coat and top coat longer to dry than the actual nail polish. With that being said, I did a lot more cleaning over the weekend . . . dusting, dishes, sweeping, mopping, etc., and I found that the nail polish started wearing off a lot quicker. By the end of...

Product Review: Morgan Taylor Professional Nail Lacquer, Anime-zing Color

Last week, I decided to repaint my finger nails with Morgan Taylor Professional Nail Lacquer in the color "Anime-zing Color" and OPI Nail Lacquer, "Tinsel, Tinsel 'Lil Star". I also used a different base coat and top coat than I did the first time I did my nails. When I bought the Morgan Taylor Professional Nail Lacquer "Anime-zing Color" at Sally Beauty Supply, it looked as though it was a periwinkle blue in the store. I decided to give it a try because it was buy one, get one free. I was super excited about the color. However, when I started painting my nails, it came out much darker, and in certain lights, it almost looks navy blue. I am a bit disappointed about that, but I still like the color. The nice thing about about the polish is that it's a bit thicker than the OPI Nail Lacquer, so I didn't have to apply more than two coats. With that being said, I had to be more careful in applying the polish to my nails because it was very easy to g...

Product Review: OPI Infinite Shine 2, Do You Sea What I Sea

Last weekend, I decided to paint my finger nails for the first time in a long time. Normally, I have them done professionally, but I thought it was something I could do myself instead shelling out money every couple of weeks for someone else to do.  The main color I decided to use was Do You Sea What I Sea by OPI. It is part of their Infinite Shine line, which is shinier than their regular line, and it's a little pricier. I purchased it at Sally Beauty Supply, and it cost $12.99, plus tax. When I painted my nails, I first began with one coat of OPI Formaldehyde Free Start to Finish Base Coat, Top Coat, & Strengthener . I let it dry for a few minutes before applying one coat of the OPI Infinite Shine 2, Do You Sea What I Sea . I did use Morgan Taylor Professional Nail Lacquer, I'm From the Fuschia on my middle fingers. After letting my nails dry again, I applied a second coat of nail polish and let them dry yet again before applying OPI Formaldehyde Free Start to Finish Ba...

Product Review: OPI Formaldehyde Free Start to Finish Base Coat, Top Coat, & Strengthener

This past weekend, I decided my nails were in major need of some TLC . . . tender, loving, care. I went to my local Sally Beauty Supply store and purchased several items including OPI Formaldehyde Free Start to Finish Base Coat, Top Coat, & Strengthener along with some nail polish and a nail file. I couldn't wait to get started on my nails and immediately got to work. First, I filed my nails so they were even and washed my hands off to make sure they were clean of dirt. Then, I applied the OPI Formaldehyde Free Start to Finish Base Coast, Top Coat, and Strengthener and let it dry before applying two coats of nail polish. When the nail polish dried, I applied the OPI Formaldehyde Free Start to Finish Base Coast, Top Coat, and Strengthener again. My nails look a lot prettier, and they definitely feel a lot stronger. Using this OPI product before and after my nail polish has definitely helped in keeping the nail polish from chipping. It also dried a lot quicker than I expected. It...

Book Review: The Doll in the Garden, A Ghost Story by Mary Downing Hahn

The Doll in the Garden, A Ghost Story by Mary Downing Hahn is a ghost story about ten year old Kristi and her mother moving into the upstairs apartment of Miss Cooper's house. Miss Cooper is an elderly woman who dislikes children and warns Kristi to stay out of the garden or there would be consequences. When a white cat that casts no shadow appears in the garden and a little girl crying could be heard coming from there, Kristi decides to investigate. I discovered Mary Downing Hahn's books at my middle school library and decided to check one of them out when I couldn't find any books I wanted to read. The Doll in the Garden was one of the first books I read by Mary Downing Hahn and contributed to my love of reading books in the horror, suspense, and thriller genres. In my quest to reread my way through my childhood, I decided it was time to find out if this story was as good as I remembered. Although I remembered the basic storyline of the book, I didn't recall all the...

Book Review: Trail of the Spellmans (The Spellmans, #5) by Lisa Lutz

Trail of the Spellmans (The Spellmans, #5) by Lisa Lutz is the fifth installment in the book series about Isabel "Izzy" Spellman and her family of private investigators. For the first time that she remembers, Izzy isn't the "odd man" in the family. Older brother David and younger sister Rae are in an impasse and not speaking to one another. Albert, the dad, is hiding something and has gone to great measures to hide it. And, Izzy's mom, Olivia, has herself booked solid with several new hobbies. Then, Demetrius Merriweather keeps going on first dates without any second dates. On top of this, several of the family cases have become intertwined with each other. Grab yourself a ginger ale and settle yourself down for the ride of a lifetime. I don't know how Lisa Lutz keeps doing it, but each book in this series is better than the last. I love the fact that there are several mysteries going on throughout the book . . . my favorites being the one with the bana...