Book Review: Murder at the Blarney Bash (Beacon Bakeshop, #5) by Darci Hannah

Murder at the Blarney Bash (Beacon Bakeshop, #5)  by Darci Hannah  opens with Lindsey Bakewell picking up her dog, Welly, from the dog groomers and driving home to prepare for the St. Patrick's Day festivities and parade ending at her bakery. Lindsey is startled when a leprechaun runs into the side of her car and runs off. That night, Rory's uncle Finn tells them that he caught a leprechaun and found its gold. When that same leprechaun is found dead by the mayor, Lindsey knows there is more to the story than meets the eye and has to investigate.  The book club I belong to decided to go with the theme of Ireland for our book club selection for March 2025. Everyone was to choose a book that had something to do with Ireland or the Irish. I chose to read  Murder at the Blarney Bash (Beacon Bakeshop, #5)  by Darci Hannah, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it because it put me in the mood for the upcoming St. Patrick's Day holiday. From the beginning of the story, I wa...

Book Review: Game On Tempting Twenty-Eight (Stephanie Plum, #28) by Janet Evanovich

book review of game on tempting twenty eight stephanie plum 28 janet evanovich

Game On: Tempting Twenty-Eight (Stephanie Plum, #28) by Janet Evanovich is the latest edition in the Stephanie Plum book series and opens with Stephanie being awoken by footsteps in her apartment.  Turns out that it's Diesel, and he's looking for the same person Stephanie is looking for . . . Oswald Wednesday, an international computer hacker.  Stephanie doesn't know if Diesel is on her team or looking for a competition in apprehending the suspect.

Once again, this latest edition in the Stephanie Plum book series feels ghost written.  Not that there's ever a lot of cursing in these books . . . Lula is usually the only one who does . . . but when all the characters start using the phrase, "Stick a fork in me", it just doesn't seem like anything any of the characters would say.  There were other character inconsistencies that I can't recall off the top of my head, but it definitely detracted from the story.

With that being said, I loved that the storyline dealt with something a little more current . . . computer hackers.  The secondary characters were super likable, and I can see a few of them appearing in future books to help out in cases.  Lula had some bad mojo in Game On:  Tempting Twenty-Eight, which was a nice change since Stephanie usually has the worst luck.  As with all the other books in the series, this one followed the same formula, but it was still a fun read that gave me some chuckles along the way.

All in all, I enjoyed Game On:  Tempting Twenty-Eight (Stephanie Plum, #28) by Janet Evanovich, and I gave it four out of five stars, only because of the character inconsistencies.  I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

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