Book Review: Murder at the Blarney Bash (Beacon Bakeshop, #5) by Darci Hannah

Murder at the Blarney Bash (Beacon Bakeshop, #5)  by Darci Hannah  opens with Lindsey Bakewell picking up her dog, Welly, from the dog groomers and driving home to prepare for the St. Patrick's Day festivities and parade ending at her bakery. Lindsey is startled when a leprechaun runs into the side of her car and runs off. That night, Rory's uncle Finn tells them that he caught a leprechaun and found its gold. When that same leprechaun is found dead by the mayor, Lindsey knows there is more to the story than meets the eye and has to investigate.  The book club I belong to decided to go with the theme of Ireland for our book club selection for March 2025. Everyone was to choose a book that had something to do with Ireland or the Irish. I chose to read  Murder at the Blarney Bash (Beacon Bakeshop, #5)  by Darci Hannah, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it because it put me in the mood for the upcoming St. Patrick's Day holiday. From the beginning of the story, I wa...

Book Review: Kindred by Octavia E. Butler

book review kindred octavia e butler

Kindred by Octavia E. Butler is the first science fiction novel written by a Black woman and is part memoir, part fantasy, and part historical fiction. The book opens with Dana, an African American woman in 1976 Los Angeles, California, who is transported back to 1815 Maryland and saves a drowning white boy.  However, she finds herself fearing for her life when the boys father, a slave owner, is pointing his shotgun at her.

This is a novel that was selected by the book club I belong to for our September Book Club Meeting.  I had heard of Kindred but had no idea what it was about.  I don't read a lot of science fiction because I typically don't enjoy it.  However, I was pleasantly surprised how intriguing the story was, and it sucked me in from the start.

Well-written.  Engaging.  Unputdownable.  These are just some of the words that I'd use to describe Octavia E. Butler's Kindred.  I find myself still thinking about the book long after finishing it.  The characters were brought to life so well that I felt I was right there with them.  The author does a phenomenal job at showing the reader what slavery was like and what might happen if a Black person from today's time was sucked into an America that still had slavery.  Although this is a work of fiction, it feels like it really happened mostly because of the situations being very real things that took place in American history.  Additional themes in this novel include racism, rape, and suicide.

Kindred by Octavia E. Butler has definitely stood the test of time.  It's hard to believe that it was published a little over 43 years ago.  I give it five out of five stars, and I'll definitely be reading the author's other works.

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