Book Review: Unruly Julie by Alan Moss

Unruly Julie  by Alan Moss  is a children's picture book with an expected publication date of January 28, 2025. This rhyming kids book is about a girl named Julie who gets herself into trouble by being mischievous before finally realizing she wants to behave like a proper little girl. I'd like to thank NetGalley and Troubador Publishing Ltd. for providing me with an Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) of Unruly Julie  for free in exchange for my honest review. I found the title and cover of the book to be quite catchy and wanted to see what it was all about, and it didn't disappoint. The content of the story was quite catchy and memorable, and the illustrations were quite fun. The lesson was a passive lesson that I hope children will pick up on as it's an important one. It's just an all around fun book that's appropriate for children between the ages of three and five. Five out of five stars is what I give Unruly Julie  by Alan Moss. This is a first in a series that kid...

Book Review: The Summer Party by Rebecca Heath

Book Review of The Summer Party by Rebecca Heath
The Summer Party by Rebecca Heath is a psychological thriller due out on January 5, 2023 and about Lucy Ross coming back to her childhood summer home in Queen's Point, Australia to pack up her grandmother's belongings.  When a dead body is found coincides with Lucy's return, she finds herself and her wealthy childhood friends being questioned in the murder.

I'd like to thank NetGalley and Head of Zeus for the Advanced Readers Copy of The Summer Party by Rebecca Heath.  I was thrilled to be approved to receive this book for free in exchange for my honest review.

Told from alternating time lines, this book started off slowly for me, but as I got further into the story, it really picked up for me.  I found myself wanting to rush through the novel to see the who, what, when, and how, especially since I was leaning towards one of two people being the murderer.  There were quite a few red herrings, but when it came down to who the murderer was, I was a bit shocked and didn't see it coming.

As far as characters go, I really liked Lucy Ross, and at first, I really like Jake.  However, the further into the story I got, and the more I learned about Jake, I started disliking him.  You'll see what I mean if you read the book!  Other than that, I didn't really like any of the other characters with the exception of Lucy's stepdaughter . . . the more we learned about her, the more I liked the character.

I also really liked Lucy's dog despite me being a cat lover.  With that being said, there was one situation with the dog that made my heart sink . . . I thought the dog was going to die, but he didn't.  I really don't like it when bad things happen to animals.  Yes, I know, it's a work of fiction, but those type of things really upset me being an animal lover.

All in all, this was an intriguing read that kept me guessing. I gave The Summer Party by Rebecca Heath four out of five stars.  As mentioned before, the expected publication of this novel is January 5, 2023.
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