Book Review: Murder at the Blarney Bash (Beacon Bakeshop, #5) by Darci Hannah

Thank you to NetGalley, HarperCollins Children's Books, and Balzer + Bray for the Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) of Leeva at Last. I was delighted to be approved to receive this book in exchange for my honest review.
This middle grade book was an interesting read, and I wasn't really sure how I felt about it at first. It seems like it has similar situations to the book Matilda by Roald Dahl . . . I haven't read Matilda or seen the movie, so I am basing this on the synopsis and movie trailers I've seen. Leeva at Last is a hindrance to her parents and is basically their servant, doesn't attend school, and isn't allowed to leave the yard with the exception of retrieving the newspaper. Knowing that this book focuses on child neglect from a child's perspective and makes it seem okay, I think it's a book that parents should read as well so they can discuss this very serious topic with their kid. Other topics in this children's novel include obsessive compulsive disorder and stage fright.
With that being said, I do like the fact that Leeva ends up choosing her family and figuring out that what her biological parents are doing is not okay. Additionally, she helps her friends conquer their obstacles despite her abhorrent upbringing, which is a great lesson for kids . . . you can overcome your circumstances.
All in all, Leeva at Last written by Sara Pennypacker and illustrated by Matthew Cordell was an intriguing read with many life lessons. Four out of five stars.
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