Book Review: Claire, Darling by Callie Kazumi

A huge thank you goes out to NetGalley for the Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) I received of this novel. Rachel Hawkins is a talented author, so I was thrilled to read her latest story, and I wasn't disappointed in the least.
When I finally started reading Rachel Hawkin's latest work of art, The Heiress, I had a little trouble getting into the storyline, but that didn't last too long and was sucked in after the first few chapters. The story was set up so that as the reader, you don't really trust two of the three main characters of the book, Jules and Cam. Both of them tell their portion of the story in the present and definitely are keeping secrets ... I couldn't wait to find out what those were. The other main character is Ruby, who tells her portion of the story in the form of letters that were written and seems to be a reliable narrator.
Rachel Hawkins did a fabulous job of creating a fabulous story and making the reader what possibly could come next. I didn't quite expect the ending of The Heiress, and I know I will be thinking about it for quite some time. I do have a lingering question about part of the ending, but I'm going to do my research on that so as to not spoil anything for those who haven't read this book. At times, it felt like the author pulled elements of a V.C. Andrews novel into this one, and I don't mean that in a bad way because I loved it. It was like reading an adult version of a V.C. Andrews book but better!! Five out of five stars.
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